Sunday, 4 March 2012

Money money money....Money money

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. That is the common problem with the world at the moment. With the global recession going on there seems to be no rest bite for those just about treading water.

How can the big banks and lenders of this world justify the bonuses that they give out to their executives? Here is why they get the big bonuses. Who signs off on whether the bonuses are given out….yes that is right, the CEO’s. Who takes home bonuses of 10’s of millions? Yes that’s right the CEO’s, starting to see the picture? The claim that they make the company a lot of money therefore deserve the payout is complete and utter bollocks. The sit in their grand office, probably have a nap on their sofa with the tv on answer a couple of email and phone calls then have a 6 hours lunch with ‘clients.’ These clients tend to be other CEO’s of other banks or lenders that will do a deal with them that will enable both the companies to get an insane amount of money but none of it will drip down.

I think that the people lower down the food chain, the everyday admin people should leave then let’s see what will happen. Each transaction that a company takes a part in has to be recorded. If the people that know how to enter those trades and keep track of those trades left then what would the big wigs be able to do? They wouldn’t be able to sit in their office masturbating over their $500-a-glass bottle of whiskey whilst they get midgets to dance for them! Their companies would fall from around them. Annoyingly the guys that are at the top very rarely have had to work their way there from the bottom. Had they done so they would probably have more of an appreciation for what is done lower down the ranks. They all get good degrees in top uni’s that they get scholarships for. they come out of them and go straight into mid-range management or high powered trading position. They already earn 6 figures as their basic salary. Now I know the bonus schemes tend to be a percentage of your salary so obviously they are going to get a higher bonus than a lower paid employee will get, I am fine with that but no way should they be earning the money they are, especially now. You see footage of them fronting congress in the USA and them getting grilled about where the money has gone? How can they justify taking that money home? I didn’t want to have to write a blog entry like this but it really pisses me off. I implore you all to watch the film ‘Inside Job’ and not see where I am coming from.

Yes there is a lot of money in banking. A hell of a lot more in it than say if you own a pub. Yes the pressures are higher but the hours are definitely not longer. They get in at 7/8 in the morning and probably leave about 6 or so. When they leave it is probably to go wine and dine at some ridiculously overpriced restaurant that feels that they can charge $100 for a pea on a plate and some nice presentation! No!!!! These people have to get in touch with real life again. Tax them hard, seize their assets, sack them so they are not making that money, put them in jail for some of the things that they have done to everyday people. Making them invest in things that they themselves wouldn’t go anywhere near just so their personal coffers will swell by probably another 10k!!!

The worst thing about it all is this. These peoples kids are going to be the next generation of wankers. They will get everything on a silver platter and then be the only people that can afford the fees to university. They will be the ones coming out of uni with the degrees to go in the high powered jobs and therefore the money will stay in the family. The rich will get richer the poor will get poorer. Oh well let’s see what will happen. That is the thought for today, tune in tomorrow for something else. Laters

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