Sunday, 8 July 2012

Weekend Wrap

Another Monday is upon us, the weekend is but a memory and there are 5 days of work to get through until you are free again. I shall try and ease that pain of the Monday blues with the weekend wrap!
Another Friday night of relaxation. After another full week at work all I could be bothered for was to go home and relax with my girlfriend. So after the weekly shop was done that is exactly what we did, we relaxed. A home made chinese feast and some ice cream were in order and then slobbing on the sofa.
Satruday, like most Saturdays, started off nice and tamely. After getting out of bed at about 9.30 I had some cereal and watched some T.V. My girlfriend then left to head to her parents on the Central Coast and I awaited my lift to rugby. The plan was to stop somewhere and get some food. We soon found a distinct flaw in our plan, there was no where to be found around the place we were playing! Hungry and a bit cold we went and watched the other teams play, then someone gave us the great news that there was a pie shop 2 mins down the road. We were in the car faster than you can say Steak and Mushroom.
The game was played on a bog of a pitch, but we won by a point which is always nice. It only really hit home how bad the facilities were at the end of the game. Caked in mud and with a train up to the Central Coast to catch I had to wear a hoodie, beanie, put my jeans on over my cycling shorts and give my extremely wet klit to a friend to take home so as to not get all my clothes dirty. I was then dropped t the station looking like someone that could do with a  good bit of TLC, a shower and some hot food and waited for the train. It came in and on I got. The looks that people gave me were priceless. I don’t think they could have looked more disgusted had I openly pissed on the seat next to them.
The journey was uneventful apart from that and soon I was in the car with my girlfriend on route to a hot shwoer and a change of clothes. After a quick spruce up we were off out. The first destination a 30th birthday party. This was a very family orientated affair. There were children running around and people sat around talking, eating and drinking. A couple of beers here and off we went again. To a 21st this time. For the first time in my life I had to sit on the ‘adults table’. I was no longer the young spring chicken anymore getting drunk, I was sat having adult conversation about how drunk they were – it starts.
A few more beers in and then off home and to a nice warm bed – good Saturday
Sunday started much the same way as Saturday. A welcome lie in and a lazy breakfast. This was soon shattered by the arrival of a ball of energy in the form of a 2 year old. Much running around after him and getting shot by a water pistol followed then we were momentarily relieved of duties as we were off to do a spot of shopping. This was a very succesful trip. After seeing the state of my hoodie, my girlfriend, very kindly, decided that she would buy me a new one as she would not be seen in public with me in my current one (I still don’t see the problem with it). I also got a nice new shirt and enjoyed an Iced chocolate and a doughnut and the relative peace of not having to chase after the 2 year old.
Back at the house normal service resumed. I was back doing the chasing around the coffee table and getting passed a ball, before repeatedly being shot, with the now empty water pistol and more bizzarely a plastic corn on the cob.  After a nice lunch it was time to be on our travels again and head for Sydney.
Before getting to our  seemingly long deserted flat, we called into a friend to pick up some books and enjoy a hot chocolate, a catch up and a look at her new born baby ( young child overload. He is very cute though so that is ok). Then finally home.
No rest for the wicked though our final stop was a friends house for a small gathering, some home made pizza and a spa. This time it was my duty to be the designated driver whilst my girlfriend had some much deserved and well earnt wine. The pizza’s were superb and then the spa was just he right temperature to not noticve how long you had been in there until you noticed you looked like a prune. Getting out was a different story. It was freezing!!!!
After we had (in record time) put our clothes back on it was time to head home. On the way up to the flat we picked up our washing from the washing room and then it was over. The sofa called and we gladly fell into it for an hour or so. A 20 minute skype comversation with my mum and sister and then it was time to sign out, not even enough time to consider that I hadn’t watched Homes Under the Hammer. Oh well there is always next weekend. That is the thought for today tune in tomorrow for something else. Laters

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