Wednesday, 16 May 2012

How can i help you?

Why do some people, the richer they are, become so dependent on other people to do things for them. This also goes for people that are higher up in jobs, they need a PA to do the most mundane of things for them.

I know that these people can be incredibly busy, so some of the smaller things like emailing someone, copying something etc can be done by someone else, not problems with that. It is when it comes to things to do with their mobile phone, it has a problem, or is doing something that they haven’t seen before, that these people that are usually so in control get so flustered.

It is always the little stupid things that really get them in a muddle. I work in administration and I deal with the companies mobile phones as part of my job. I received a call from a manager who’s PA was on holiday. They received a new iPhone. It was all set up and ready to go, all they had to do was put the SIM in.

I told them that very information. ‘How do I put the SIM in?’ was the question. I explained about pressing in the little button you have on the side, a tray will pop out then place the SIM in there. ‘Which way do you put the SIM in?’ I then went on to tell them the tray was cut in the way the SIM is shaped and therefore there is only one way it can fit in with the gold chip face down.

Thinking that would be the end of the phone call, I was preparing to say you’re welcome and hang up, how mistaken I was. ‘I have put the SIM card in and now the tray won’t fit.’ A very confused me on the other end of the phone asked what they mean it didn’t fit. ‘I put the SIM card in and now the tray won’t go in.’ They had put the SIM card loosely in the phone and then tried to put the tray in after!!!

This is a manager, that has to know all the ins and outs of their business and they can’t work out that the SIM card goes on the tray provided not just loose in a phone. I couldn’t speak for a minute as I was laughing so hard. We had to fish the SIM card out with a paperclip and explain the situation in person.

This is just one isolated incident. Of course everyone would like to be wealthy enough to have someone cook and clean up after them, someone to drive them around everywhere and to make their bed in the mornings. It is a luxury, but they get far too reliant on others. What happens if they lost their job, lose all their money, I’ll tell you what, they are buggered with a capital B.

Tomorrow I will continue on this theme and how it goes further (queue chilling music with a scary laugh over it too). That is the thought for today, tune in tomorrow for something else. Laters

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