Sunday, 13 May 2012

Weekend Wrap

It’s the weekend round up! This weekend was a nice quiet weekend for me. Sometimes it is very nice to have those type of weekends, just time to chill and not do much.

After another week slaving away at my desk came to an end on Friday, I headed home for a date with the sofa. My girlfriend was out with her mate for the evening so I settled down to watch some rugby. Not only did I do this I also did some of the washing that was there to be done. I know lifestyles of the rich and famous!!!

After the mountains of washing had been hung out, I entertained myself with, rugby, and 2 episodes of ‘Game of Thrones’ which after a slow start to the 2nd series, has really picked up and is now a very good watch.

I was a good boyfriend and went and picked my girlfriend up from the station when she arrived back, brought her home and not long after that we were nicely tucked up in bed. I know how to party on a Friday night.

Saturday. Alighting from the bed at 9.50 I went about my tasks. I cooked my pasta, ready to be eaten before I left for rugby, shaved and made my kit bag. I then accompanied my better half to her beauticians appointment. I can’t believe how quick she was in and out, it was painless. I then dropped her off at the station for her to go to the Central Coast and I went home for my gourmet pasta.

Saturday afternoon was down the rugby club. It is always nice to win which we did, but this one came at a cost. My left knee is currently quite swollen and giving me a bit of jip! As this was the first home game of the season a few boys stayed around for some beers. This was my night. I stayed at the club until about 11ish, then went home and promptly passed out on the sofa at about 1145. I know how to party on a Saturday night! After waking  up on the sofa, freezing at 2.30 I thought it was time to go to bed, which is exactly what I did.

Sunday did not start well. After my toilet break at 6.55 I went back to sleep, only to be awoken when I knocked my knee, this agony left me no choice but to get up. The time. A disgustingly early 9.10!!! Walking proved very difficult so I took the executive decision to do as little of this as possible.

1 film down and half way through a second I decided it was lunch time. Due to a slight excess on the beers the night before, a dirty takeaway was my only option. My first choice was vetoed by the sheer amount of traffic on the road, I was distraught. Luckily there was another option close by so I went there (nowhere near as satisfying but beggars can’t be choosers)

My beautiful girlfriend returned at 4pm. Thank god for that, I had missed her and the boredom was starting to get the better of me. The Sunday ritual could then begin. The grocery shopping. Unlike other weeks, it was quite quiet this time round, a very pleasant surprise, although slightly uncomfortable walking on the knee.

Dinner was a chinese feast. Spring Rolls and two type of Dumplings, one steamed and one fried by our own fair hands and my god it was good. Post dinner on a Sunday is tv watching time. Due to both of us lacking in some sleep, one episode of mad men was watched and then it was time to hit the hay, yes I know disaster – no Homes Under the Hammer!!! Don’t you worry, I will rectify this next weekend. That is the thought for the day, tune in tomorrow for something else. Laters

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