Tuesday, 10 April 2012


I understand vegetarians. I will never become one, but I understand them. They believe that the killing of animals is wrong so therefore are not going to eat any, fair enough. Vegans on the other hand I will never understand. They don’t eat anything!! If an animal farts near something they regard it as inedible as it is sacred to the animal. They must be lacking in so many food groups but hey, let them worry about that.

As I said I am all for vegetarians and I will never understand vegans but I don’t like it when they preach about it. ‘That used to be a lamb skipping around in the field’ or ‘that was the cow we drove past yesterday.’ I couldn’t give a rats, I like eating it so there! I don’t look at their mush and say ‘mmm that used to be a nice pepper happily growing, enjoying the sunshine yesterday’ or something along those lines. If I did then that would be pepper off of their limited menu.

Another thing I don’t quite get is how some vegetarians class fish as ok, some don’t and some class chicken as ok as it’s poultry not meat and some don’t. I mean surely you are either vegetarian or you are not?! There can’t be a halfway house there where someone is like ‘it’s ok its only poultry,  it’s not meat’ or ‘it’s fish that isn’t meat.’ They are all animals are they not? You are either a hardcore vegetarian or you are not a vegetarian, and that is the bottom line because I said it was so there.

This leads me  nicely onto my next point. Tofu. It is a meat replacement. They have flavoured Tofu. Some tastes like chicken, some like beef, lamb etc. Now I pose the question, if it tastes like all these meats then why don’t you just eat meat?! I just don’t get it, it even looks like some of the meats. I was at a vegans house once (it was my tutor, it wasn’t out of choice) and she was having Tofu. It looked exactly like chicken and I said as much. She then got very offended as I was telling her that it looked like chicken yet she was vegan. Sorry to be stating the obvious love but IT LOOKS LIKE CHICKEN. How else would you want me to put it? You might as well pop to your local supermarket, pick yourself up a nice breast and have a go on that. It will smell, taste and look exactly the same as what you are eating now so who cares. You will not be smighted for it.

Basically being a vegetarian makes you less of a person than a meat eater and a vegan, well, even lower than that. Only joking, but seriously cut out the crap of some things are meat and some things are not (chicken is meat) and for god sake get rid of that Tofu shite. That is the thought for the day, tune in tomorrow for something else. Laters.

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