Monday, 30 April 2012

Why People Why? 01/05/2012

When you discuss a topic with someone, whether it be sport, politics, outer space, why are the most enthusiastic people the ones that have literally no idea what they are talking about?

This happened to me only two days ago. As previously stated I went to the rugby on Sunday. As it was a big game, there was a crowd of 30,000 there. Obviously a lot of these people there are very knowledgeable about the game, but then there are the people that think they are knowledgeable. My god these are annoying.

I was in a watering hole after the game, wetting my whistle talking to a couple of the boys about rugby in general, as men do. One of the guys that was with us gets in on the conversation. No problems with that, the more the merrier. That is until he opens his mouth, the shit that he spouted was disgusting. I’m all for you going to rugby and enjoying it, but please god don’t talk about it ever again to me, you clearly have less than no clue. Fortunately for me the other person I was with also noticed the drivel being spouted and we both pulled him up on it. He was convinced he was right though but alas, thankfully he decided to retreat somewhere else after that to abuse someone else’s eardrums.

What is so hard about just saying to someone ‘I don’t know’ or listening to someone that might actually know what on earth they are talking about and not interfering with them. The age old adage of some people argue black is white is very apt. I wouldn’t dream arguing with a  petrol head about cars. What I know about cars can be written on the back of a match box, so I don’t do it.  

I think people that talk bollocks should be banned from talking about that subject until the other participants involved in that conversation allow them to. That is a very light sentence if you ask me. My other option was for them to be punched in the face and thrown through a window but I vetoed that (just kidding). So if you hear someone talking crap about a subject you know about or are the unfortunate recipitant of the drivel then I suggest you calmly just get up, without saying a word and walk off. That is the thought for today, tune in tomorrow for something else. Laters

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