Monday, 2 April 2012

Our new Celebs

It really doesn’t take much to be classed a ‘celebrity’ nowadays and get yourself on TV. Look at the retards that like to think themselves as the shit, Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton immediately spring to mind. Paris Hilton was over here in Australia recently and was interviewed for a news programme. The interviewer asked her what she was going to do when she was no longer famous. A reasonable questions. Twats like her tend to fade into the background when they get older and no one give a shit about them anymore as there is some other knob head to put on the front page of New Look. Well she answered the question and continued the interview. That night she was attending a premiere of a film (not movie, it’s a film!!!) and the reporter was informed by Blonde Bimbo’s publicist that she was offended by that question and would not be allowed to interview her on the red carpet! I mean WTF!!! Are you kidding me. These people really annoy me. They have less than no talent, they have rich parents, they have never had to go wanting, why do they get such treatment? Every day you would see them in some other newspaper or magazine ‘shock as Kim farts’ or some other news ‘Paris buys a cucumber.’ Why these people’s lives are so interesting is beyond me. Their parents are never in the limelight, the ones with the brains to make something of themselves, please note that.

Now it seems there is a breed of even dumber proportions. Look at the people we are now engrossed in. The people from Jersey/Geordie Shore and The Only Way is Essex. There are probably hundreds more that I am missing out but fortunately I do not know or watch any of these, but please add my points below to any of those programmes. Before I get going, I am guilty of watching all 3 of these shows. Yes I watch them but I do not buy a magazine that has a 4 page spread on them every day! It annoys me.

Let’s start on Jersey Shore. I have heard a rumour they are on $100,000 an episode!!!! Add to that the fact that they now get money for appearances and such. One of the cast was given a vast sum of money by a clothing company NOT to wear their clothes anymore!! They have filmed in Miami, Italy and of course New Jersey. The houses were awesome they stayed in. They didn’t like to work, sometimes they just went off and did their own thing. Never in their lives are they going to have to find a job. They make around about 1million for a series if the figures are true. They are on their 5th series now and there is no signs that is going to finish. Everyone would love the lifestyle where you can get up when you want, do what you want, drink all the time never with any worries about money. Some people slog their way through 3 jobs a day to make ends meet. It takes the piss. People that think it is unfair that they have to get up and do mundane work 3 times a week, instead of going to the gym, will never have to know what it is like to get up at 630 every day and do a job you hate just to earn some money.

It has also come to my attention that Einsteins from Geordie Shore are filming their next series in Cancun. No doubt they got flown there first class, are staying in an incredible suite and are also getting paid rather well for it. It must be such a hardship for them to leave for a few weeks to film. It is definitely worth the money that they are getting paid, for the inconvenience to them alone. I know I am being very hypocritical as I do watch them. The entertainment is there, but why pay them so much? Yes of course they should get paid, we are invading their privacy for our own pleasure, but they knew what was going to happen when they signed up.

There was a programme on a couple of years ago called ‘The Family.’ That was brilliant. A family agreed to be filmed on a daily basis living family life. You don’t hear of them at all. It was a great watch, really entertaining to see but it was one series with a family and then it moved on. No flying them to the Bahamas for a 10* family break at $500,000 an episode.

It all started with Big Brother. Initially that was interesting to see how people reacted. After 10 series it’s not so much. People that are just desperate to get on TV go on the show and then break down because it is too hard. They have 15 minutes of fame and then thank god you don’t hear of most of them again. Another thing I love is when the newspaper refers to them as ‘Reality TV Stars.’ Wow ‘Stars’ is definitely not the word I’d use for them. Have you seen one qualified Dr or CEO of a leading company go on these programmes? Nope for good reason, they have enough intelligence and ability about them to make their way through life on their own backs.

You may think I am jealous and you would be 100% right. Who wouldn’t be. I am not doing my dream job. I am not getting paid $100,000 for people to watch me wipe my arse (although I am very good at it). I get up at 6.30 every weekday morning, and look forward to my wages going in once a week so that I can enjoy a night out with my girlfriend or a nice meal and pay the bills. If you are not jealous of that then you are a liar. That is the thought for today, tune in tomorrow for something else. Laters

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