Monday, 9 April 2012

Personal Space

Personal space, there is a lot to be said for having your own personal space. Everyone at some time in their lives needs their own personal space. I completely understand that people’s ideas of personal space differs greatly. I like to have a lot of space to myself when on the train for example. In some cultures the need to be close to people is very much part of it, I understand that.

Obviously you see the pictures from India where people are squashed onto a train that is made for 1000 people yet 4000 are travelling on it. That is their prerogative and what they want to do. They obviously don’t have the same regard for that type of personal space as I do.

Another thing is being a stickler for the rules. I am not saying go out and break every single rule and law that there is, but there are some rules that it isn’t much of a problem if you don’t abide by them. Not sure where I am going with all this, well, please, let me enlighten you.

It was Good Friday, myself and my girlfriend decided to go and catch the (hopefully final) American Pie film. We thought that as it was Good Friday, there would be a high chance that the evening showing would be busy, so we opted for the 4.30 showing. Needless to say, the cinema was not very busy.

The seats were very nice, there was ample space in front of you for your legs, they were wide and a very comfortable leather. EVERY SEAT WAS THE SAME! As we went into the cinema, we selected our seats, leaving 1 seat next to me before the isle and settled down to watch the film. In comes a solo woman. Nothing wrong with going to see a film on your own. What there I have a huge problem is that considering the cinema seats a good 500 people and there being about 400 free seats she decides that she HAS to sit in her seat which of course is next to mine. Up we get to move.

We move along the row. In front of us there is a row with just a couple on it and they are towards the side that we just left. We settle in again. we see some people coming in, looking at their ticket and sitting down. People!!! There isn’t a claw that will come down, grab you and throw you out of the cinema if you sit in the wrong seat!!! It’s ok though if you must just be sad and do it. with about 3 minutes before the credits start (I got the time wrong) in comes a group on a double date, 2 fellas, 2 ladies. They stop at the end of our row, they look at their ticket, they then look at the row, then they say ‘sorry could you move up 1 more please’. I mean really!!! Admittedly the cinema was now a bit busier out of the 500 seats available there were only 380 left!! Personal space! Just move to the row in front, there is no one in that row. So that is exactly what we did. I would have been embarrassed to do that, I had to check for the hidden cameras in case we were the subject of a hidden camera show but alas we weren’t. the people involved were just sad gimps that couldn’t sit in a seat other than the one allocated. Why people why? I dare you to next time try to stick it to the man and sit in another seat oooooh!! That is the thought for the day, tune in tomorrow for something else. Laters

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