Who in their right mind enjoys ironing? I mean come on, there is nothing fun about ironing. You stand or sit there running your arm back and forth with a hot iron over a piece of clothing to try and get the creases out. In my view, in most cases, it is totally unnecessary.
My girlfriend has a go at me every day for not ironing my shirt before work. She says that we are going to me into an ‘iron the night before habit.’ Now I spent 3 years at uni in Cardiff and one in South Africa and in those 4 years I managed to iron about 7 items of clothing. The only reason I did that was because I was off to paint the town red and that particular t-shirt/polo shirt (I was a student you could get in places in flip flops and tighty whities) was disgracefully creased. The reason for this. My own laziness at putting things away. I tend to throw my stuff back into the drawer. This does 2 things. 1. It makes it look like I have a lot more stuff than I do. As the clothes are not folded and put away they kind of scrunch up and catch on the drawer above making it look like the drawer is full to bursting. I know full well that it isn’t but I just can’t be arsed to fold the clothes properly, as that would take some effort for no reward in my eyes, and put them back in. 2. It creases the clothes to buggery. When you pull a t-shirt out the drawer my tip is to give it a good shakes, just like you would a duvet, you wouldn’t believe how much better it looks after a good old shake. If and ONLY if it is still resembling and old leather chamois then I suggest you get the iron and the ironing board out.
When it comes to work shirt it is a little tougher. If you wear a jumper over your shirt then you are fine, no one is going to see it so who cares. As long as your collar and cuffs are ok then you are set. A pro-tip for never having to iron is this, hang up your shirts, it’s not rocket science. When they have dried, get them on a hanger and you wouldn’t believe it but the creases in there would be minimal. Some people are probably reading this and thinking ‘what a lazy scumbag, never ironing his clothes, bet he looks like a hobo.’ Well looks wise I may well yes, look like a hobo to some of you but I have been out many a time with people that are reading this, people that would take the piss if my stuff was ridiculously creased and no one has ever said a word, so my methods must work. Hey if you still live at home or someone else does your ironing by all means whack as much stuff in the pile as possible, I’m talking pants and socks as well. Get them in, you are not the one slaving away so make the most of it (nothing like a nice ironed pair of undies).
Another pro tip for you. I am full of them today I know and you are all most welcome. If you feel that yes my top is a little bit creased, a touch too creased to go out with and you cannot be bothered with the hassle of putting up the ironing board, filling the iron with water, ironing said top, putting ironing board away, waiting for top to cool to put on, wait for iron to cool to put away, then don’t worry there is an alternative (I mean honestly who can be bothered with all that!!!) Flick some water on the shirt, pull it slightly taught so that the creases are out of it and blow it with the hairdryer. My advice is for a couple of minutes so as to heat the top up but at the same time not set it alight or burn a hole through it.
My final point is this. If you can steer well clear of the tumble dryer. They are a killer, your clothes come out in a ball that is so small you could probably fit it in your belly button. You can imagine the state of the clothes after that and then my friends there is no option, it’s the iron for you.
That is the thought for today, tune in tomorrow for something different. Laters
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