Sunday, 12 February 2012

why people why? 13/02/12

People wearing sunglasses inside…NOT NEEDED. This is one of my pet hates. You are on the train into work in the morning and there is someone sat there trying to look cool with their sunglasses on. Let me tell you, you certainly don’t. Wow you managed to afford to buy yourself some Ray Ban’s congratulations. I know plenty of people that own a pair of Ray Ban’s but none of them wear them when they are going underground on a train or are shopping in an inside shopping centre.
This is one of my main pet peeves. Everyone has them and this is one that really grates me. Now I used to think that women were the main source of this, and it is true that I do see a lot of them wearing their sunglasses when not needed but men doing it I have noticed is on the increase. PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD STOP IT. There does seem to be a correlation though with women that wear their sunglasses on trains and the people that run onto the train to ensure that they get a seat. Now if you are older or pregnant, then I can understand that you do need a seat and I give my seat up for such people, but if you have a journey of 10 minutes just stand it isn’t that hard. I am pretty certain that you have been sat on your arse all day whilst at work anyway. ‘oooh I must get a seat my legs are knackered, I have walked a whole 3 minutes from the office to the station I deserve this seat.’ The people that run for the seats I place on a par with the people from a previous blog who try and ram themselves on a train having uprooted people like trees on their world record breaking attempt to get down the escalators and onto the train with their eyes bulging and tongue lolling.
Anyway I am getting off point. This I can concur with you all, is a rant and I am unashamed to admit such.
My girlfriend hates my sunglasses, and I know from my own experience and experiences of friends of mine that not all sunglasses suit people, but I am yet to see a pair of those massive round lensed sunglasses that take over your whole face suit anyone. If I owned a pair like that not only would I be female I would not be flaunting them on a dark train so I look even worse. Women of the world you have been told. In saying this the worst case of ‘unnecessary sunglass wearing’ as it is now officially called is a guy that got the bus at 520am. I was on the bus to go to labouring jobs and could only just make out the bright luminous orange of my t-shirt at that time of the morning so how the hell this guy could see anything is beyond me. I would love to know the thinking, ‘right have I got everything, wallet (pats pocket), check, phone (pats other pocket) yep, bag yep alright off we go, actually better check what its like outside, ah pitch black think I better take my sunglasses.’ That is the thought for today, tune in tomorrow for something new.. Laters

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