Wednesday, 29 February 2012

How people how?

How on earth can well known food brands charge more for their food in different places? I am talking about the huge chain takeaways (you know who they are, but as the BBC do I will not advertise, unless of course they pay me top dollar).

You may go to a normal everyday shopping centre and get charged for a meal $7.50. That same meal in an airport may cost you $10 and some. Now that is ridiculous if you ask me, and I know you all are. It is not as if it is a different quality of product, or its cooked in a different way, or it is matured and marinated to your liking. Oh no, it is pumped out by the trillion per day just like everywhere else. The gourmet chefs that are in charge of your world changing meal tend to be school kids, bored or stoned off their tits putting patties into a microwave, picking their nose as it cooks, wiping it on their clothes then putting the now half sized patty onto your bun. Beautiful service.

I understand that going to a top restaurant, eating top quality ingredients, cooked by chefs at the top of their game will cost you, although I would like the serving size to be decent (that is for another time though). The worst part of all of this, and I am as guilty as the next, is that we, the public, the idiots that we are go and buy this crap food. We allow them to get away with daylight robbery. Well my friends today I write before you and say we put a stop to this. Let us not go to the places that clearly mark up their food when we know the correct price. Let us, the people, drive the market down so that we have a fairer choice in what we eat and more change left in our wallet. (When reading this paragraph please insert your own inspirational music and for some reason I believe it would be said in a deep voice, so do that too).

There are places that do not mark up. That cost the same everywhere you go. These places are the places to go to. They know they provide a service, they know people will use their service but they don’t take advantage, to these businesses, I applaud you, well done indeed. It is honestly ridiculous to ask someone to pay $8 for a chicken snitzel sandwich, when if you make it at home it will cost you around about $2 when you take into account the snitzel cost, bread cost, sauce cost and if you need to (I don’t think you do) the vegetable cost.

There are many options out there people, let’s be smart and do the right thing. That is the thought for today, tune in tomorrow for something different. Laters

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