Monday, 20 February 2012

Phew what a workout....

Gym’s really split people. There are some people, the fitness freaks, that love the gym. All they can talk about is the gym and how much weight they lifted or how far they ran and how many times they have been to the gym in the past 6 hours!
Then there is the opposite end of the scale. The people that think the devil himself invented gyms. ‘Why on earth would I put myself though that pain when I can quite comfortably sit here on my sofa/in the pub/ at a mates house and do bugger all.
Finally there are the people that go through necessity. The people that play sport and have to go in order to perform adequately enough at that sport. I fall into that category. I don’t go to the gym because I get off on it like some people do, I go because I play rugby. If I didn’t go to the gym, I would be very, very small. The bigger players on the opposition team would see that and most likely either savage me or devour me one of the two. Thankfully I manage to put on a bit of muscle to stop the beatings being as harsh as they would be.
Yes I think it feels good when you get home after a good workout, you feel that nice glow that you have pushed your body and now it is enjoying the relaxation time. I do not however then go and update my status on popular social networking pages (still no free advertising #showmethemoney) telling my friends and acquaintances about my magnificent feat of managing to lift something heavier than a mars bar past my mouth.
The gym junkies are very easy to spot. They consistently update everyone that cares to listen (and those that don’t) about their exploits. Do they think that by telling as many people as they can about the weights that they have lifted that people from everywhere will look at it and think, ‘Oh my god, that is incredible!! I can’t believe they have lifted that amount of weight. I must go and tell them how amazing they are and try to make love to them and perform all the mundane tasks in their lives that they don’t want to’. If it does then please for the love of god, go and get yourself checked out as you are pretty damn sad. These people are the same people that when they are in the gym they will wear the stringiest, loose fitting and revealing vests in the male cases and in the female cases the tightest, smallest spandex you could think of. They will then stare at their muscles in the mirror as they work out. Some will claim it is to ensure their ‘form’ is good. Now that is complete and utter bollocks. You know when you are doing something right, it is the same in every task you do, you don’t have to look at yourself sitting in the chair to know if you are slouching uncomfortably or not, your body tells you. When you are lifting weights your body tells you if you are doing it right. To the bell ends that watch themselves in the mirror, stop it, you look like twats.
The best bit about the mirror starers is that they tend to do it in the ‘free weights’ section. Now this section is 95% male, 3% butch lesbian,1.5% lost people looking for the cardio machines and1.5% women. With this fact who do these guys think watch them flex and tense in front of the mirrors apart from themselves? The only people that do are the unfortunate souls that are working out next to them and have them in their eye line, if that is the audience they are going for then well done them but I would hazard a guess that it isn’t. This will lead onto another article but that is for another day so stay tuned. That is the thought for today, tune in tomorrow for something else. Laters

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