Wednesday, 15 February 2012

How's the weather where you are?

Aaaah the weather. A favourite topic of conversation if you are on a crap date, talking to someone whilst you are on holiday in a hot climate, updating your facebook status or you are just a boring git.
Whilst I am here in Sydney trying to enjoy a Australian summer, a lot of my friends and family are back in the UK shivering through an extremely cold British summer.
All the people back home are telling me how jealous they are of me with the weather I am having here as it is so cold at home, well let me put people's minds at ease, we are currently experiencing one of the wettest summers on record here, yes it is warm, but it's humid and muggy. You sweat walking to the train station, you sweat going out at lunchtime, you sweat when you try to sleep you sweat on the loo. Now all the Aussies here are complaining about the 'lack of summer' that we are experiencing. Now don't get me wrong, I would like a few nice days on the weekend when I can head down to the beach and become a typical brit abroad, sunning myself to a nice crisp and cooling off in the sea, but everytime I say this to a Sydneyite as I now call them they say 'Ooooh careful bro, don't wish the summer on' (insert your own Aussie accent here). COME ON MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!! You are either annoyed at the rain and lack of sun or you don't mind the temperatures being more manageable and accept that with that comes some rain. Blooy Aussies!
Us Brits are not going to get off lightly though. Back home everyone is complaining about the bitterly cold temperatures that they are experiencing. I'm not there and have seen some of the temperatures that the mercury is dropping to and I have to say my god that is cold, but I bet as soon as the mercury rises to around 30, that it will do in summer the good old Brits will be saying how damn hot it is. As soon as one ray of sun is out if my sister is anything to go by then everyone will be out in their back gardens braving those bees an wasps just to get that bit of colour. I wonder if people will ever be satisfied with the han they are dealt weather wise. What a superb entry to the blog you are all thinking, that was awesome to read, I can't believe that I have managed to write so much about weather, it seems that I am one of those boring gits I speak of. So next time you are on a crap date then you can always revert back to this to really impress the lady or man you are wooing, you're welcome.That is the thought for today, tune in tomorrow for something new.. Laters

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